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The Importance of Amazon Reviews and How to Increase Positive Feedback

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Wednesday, March 13, 2024

When was the last time you purchased something on Amazon without at least glancing at how many 5 star reviews it had?

Amazon is renowned for its convenience, the exceptionally broad array of products and listings to choose from, and the speed of fulfilment and delivery. But not every seller provides the 5-star service that they promise in their listings - which is why having reviews to back up your claims is so important.

In this blog post, we take a look at the importance of Amazon reviews, as well as providing some useful tips on how to increase positive feedback to boost future sales.

Why are Amazon reviews important?

Amazon reviews are the ultimate form of User-Generated Content (UGC) on the platform. With so many sellers active on Amazon, many of whom stock and sell the same or similar products, reviews help customers to separate the good from the bad and identify which sellers offer a great product as well as a reputable and reliable service.

Being a successful seller on Amazon is all about standing out from your competitors - and there is no better way to do that than by presenting a series of positive reviews from genuine customers, citing the quality of the product and their customer experience.

Top tips to increase positive feedback

Now that we know how important good feedback is, how exactly do you go about collecting it?

Well, it won’t surprise you to learn that positive feedback can only be earned on sales that you make - meaning that the first step to boost positive feedback is to boost sales. This can be achieved through a range of alterations and enhancements on your listings, taking into account the quality of the copy, the images used, the title of the listing and use of relevant keywords throughout.

Once you start making sales, it’s then up to you to make the provision of feedback a part of the customer journey. Be honest with yourself about how often you leave feedback as a customer, and then work backwards to distinguish the best touch-points at which to ask for a review.

  • Ask for reviews once the item has been delivered and has been with the buyer for at least a couple of days. This will hopefully give them an opportunity to not just receive but also try or use the product.
  • Offer an incentive to share a review, by combining your ask with access to a social media page that you fill with valuable content, or letting customers know that they can access a discount code if they leave a review.
  • Don’t limit your reviews solely to Amazon. Yes, positive reviews play a big role in discovery and reputation on the platform, but you can also share them on other platforms and social pages. This means that if prospective customers go looking for your brand on other platforms, they will be met with positive reinforcement in the words of other customers.
  • Learn from your competitors and recognise that they do wrong, so that you can elevate your products and service to an even higher standard.
  • Focus on delivering the best possible service and the highest standard of products for truly authentic reviews and positive feedback.

How to handle negative reviews

Believe it or not, negative reviews present an opportunity of their own - giving you an outlet through which to demonstrate your approach to customer service by responding to the feedback and doing what you can to fix any issues.

This might be sending a replacement product or offering a refund - whatever it is, the way you respond to a negative review will play a major role in how potential customers view your service. In short, negative reviews don’t have to damage your reputation, rather they may present an opportunity to really highlight your approach to customer service.

Optimise your Amazon listings with Social Loop

Of course, if you want to start earning reviews then you need to make some sales - which is where our Amazon optimisation service comes in. Working with you, our team of Amazon experts are well versed in how to select and market the best products for your target audience.

Get in touch with us to find out more about what to sell, how to sell it, and why building a business on Amazon is a surefire way to boost your e-commerce activity.