Increased Email Revenue by 130% in 12 months

Increased Email Open Rate by 5%

Increased Meta Return On Ad Spend from 2X to 10X

Project Overview

We took over the email marketing platform for Bundle Beds and designed over 80 emails for them to send to their database, targeting the audience with fact files, promotions, information and stories.

We added segmentation to their database, segmenting their audience in terms of what has been previously been bought, gender, age and favourite products.

We did A/B testing to the database to find out what the audience responded best to and how the audience enjoyed receiving their mailers., making the customer experience as positive as possible.

We redesigned their flow series and introduced new flow series to ensure we were creating a positive customer journey from before a product was bought, to aftercare of products. We also added fun flows into the mix with an exclusive discount when it was a birthday of a customer.

The Problem

When we started working with Bundles they had a large following on social media and strong brand identity but felt they weren’t getting the best out of their email marketing database as they didn’t know how to target audiences and use segmentation.

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